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( MOB:楊永漢)
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103
因 此,線粒體和葉綠體的生長和增殖是受核基因組及自身的基因 組 兩套遺傳信息系統控制的,所以它們都被稱為半自主性細胞器 。 作用編輯細胞質是進行新陳代謝的主要場所,絕大多數的化學 反 應都在細胞質中進行。同時它對細胞核也有調控作用。細胞質 (cytoplasm)細胞質膜以內、細胞核以外的部分。由均質半透 明 的胞質溶膠(cytosol)和細胞器及內含物組成。胞質溶膠約 占細 胞體積/,含無機離子(如K+、Mg+、Ca+等)、脂類、糖類 、氨基 酸、蛋白質(包含酶類及構成細胞骨架的蛋白)等。骨架 蛋白與 細胞形態和運動密切相關,被認為對胞質溶膠中酶反應提 供了有 利的框架結構。絕大部分物質中間代謝(如醣酵解作用、 氨基酸 、脂肪酸和核苷酸代謝)和一些蛋白的修飾作用(如磷酸 化)在 胞質溶膠中進行。懸浮在胞質溶膠中的細胞器,有具界膜 的和無 界膜的,它們參與了細胞的多種代謝途徑。內含物則是在 細胞生 命代謝過程中形成的產物,如糖原、素粒、脂肪滴等。細 胞質研 究史編輯 英國人Robert Hook用自己設計與制造的顯微 鏡(放大 倍數為-倍,圖-)觀察了軟木(櫟樹皮)的薄片,* 次描述了植 物細胞的構造,并*用拉丁文cella(小室)這個 詞來稱呼他所 看到的類似蜂巢的極小的封閉狀小室(實際上只是 觀察到到纖維 質的細胞壁)。
Therefore, the growth and proliferation of mitochondria and chloroplasts are controlled by the nuclear genome and its own genome genetic information system, so they are called semi-autonomous organelles. The role of editing cytoplasm is the main place for metabolism, and the vast majority of chemical reactions are performed in the cytoplasm. At the same time it also regulates the nucleus. Within the cytoplasm of the cytoplasm, outside the cell nucleus. It consists of a homogenous, semipermeable cytosol, organelles, and inclusions. The cytosol accounts for the volume of cells, contains inorganic ions (such as K+, Mg+, Ca+, etc.), lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins (including enzymes and proteins that constitute the cytoskeleton), and the like. Skeletal proteins are closely related to cell morphology and movement and are believed to provide a beneficial framework for enzymatic reactions in the cytosol. The vast majority of intermediate metabolism (such as glycolysis, amino acid, fatty acid and nucleotide metabolism) and some protein modification (such as phosphorylation) are performed in the cytosol. The organelles suspended in the cytosol, bounded membranes and non-boundary membranes, are involved in many metabolic pathways in cells. The inclusions are the products formed during the cellular metabolism, such as glycogen, granules, and fat droplets. History of cytoplasm research Edited by Robert Hook, an Englishman who used a microscope he designed and manufactured (magnification - times, picture -) to observe thin sections of cork (eucalyptus bark), first describing the structure of plant cells and using Latin for the first time. The word cella refers to the tiny closed cells that he sees like honeycombs (actually only to the cell wall of the cellulite).