- 產品描述
( MOB:楊永漢)
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103
⑥腹腔液增多或腸絞窄者可有腹 膜激征或移動性濁音;⑦腸梗阻發展至腸絞窄、腸麻痹前均表現 腸鳴音亢進,并可聞及氣過水聲或金屬音。2.絞窄性腸梗阻表現: (1)腹痛為持續性劇烈腹痛,頻繁陣發性加劇,無*休止間歇 ,嘔吐不能使腹痛腹脹緩解。(2)嘔吐出現早而且較頻繁。(3 )早期即出現全身性變化,如脈率增快,體溫升高,白細胞計數 增高,或早期即有休克傾向。(4)腹脹:低位小腸梗阻腹脹明顯 ,閉襻性小腸梗阻呈不對稱腹脹,可觸及孤立脹大腸襻,不排氣 排便。(5)連續觀察:可發現體溫升高,脈搏加快,血壓下降, 意識障礙等感染性休克表現,腸鳴音從亢進轉為減弱。(6)明顯 的腹膜激征。(7)嘔吐物為血性或肛門排出血性液體。(8)腹 腔穿為血性液體。檢查1.粘連性腸梗阻(1)實驗室檢查 梗阻早 期一般無異常發現。應常規檢查白細胞計數,血紅蛋白,血細胞 比容,二氧化碳結合力,血清鉀、鈉、氯及尿便常規。(2)輔助 檢查 X線立位腹平片檢查:梗阻發生后的4~6小時,腹平片上即 可見脹氣的腸袢及多數氣液平面。如立位腹平片表現為一位置固 定的咖啡豆樣積氣影,應警惕有腸絞窄的存在。
6 Peritoneal fluid increase or intestinal strangulation may have peritoneal or physical dystonia; 7 intestinal obstruction developed to intestinal strangulation, bowel sounds before bowel sounds are hyperactive, and can be heard over the air or metal sound. 2. Strangulated intestinal obstruction performance: (1) abdominal pain for persistent severe abdominal pain, frequent paroxysmal intensification, no complete rest interval, vomiting can not make abdominal pain and abdominal distension relief. (2) Vomiting occurs early and often. (3) Systemic changes occur early, such as increased pulse rate, increased body temperature, increased white blood cell count, or tendency to shock early. (4) Abdominal distension: Obvious abdominal distention of small intestinal obstruction is obvious. Obstructed small intestinal obstruction is asymmetric abdominal distension. It can reach isolated inflated intestinal fistula without defecation. (5) Continuous observation: It can be found that the body temperature is elevated, the pulse rate is increased, the blood pressure is decreased, and the disturbance of consciousness and other septic shock manifests, and the bowel sounds change from being intrusive to weakening. (6) Obvious peritoneal shock. (7) Vomit is bloody or discharges bloody fluid from the anus. (8) Abdominal cavity is a bloody fluid. Check 1. Adhesive intestinal obstruction (1) Laboratory tests Early obstruction generally found no abnormalities. White blood cell counts, hemoglobin, hematocrit, carbon dioxide binding capacity, serum potassium, sodium, chloride, and urine routines should be routinely checked. (2) Auxiliary examination X-ray erection abdominal plain film examination: 4 to 6 hours after the occurrence of obstruction, the abdominal flat film shows flatulence and most of the gas-liquid plane. If the standing abdominal plain film shows a fixed position like a sample of coffee beans, we should be alert to the presence of intestinal strangulation.